Lost items
Items, lost or forgotten in our taxies, are delivered and registered at our headoffice at Rosenlunds Allé 8 in Vanløse.
If you have forgotten or lost something in one of our taxies, fill in and submit below form, and we will check if the item has been delivered and registered in the headoffice.
After 1 month uncollected items will be dispatched to:
Hittegodskontoret (The Lost & Found Office) on:
Politigården, 1567 Copenhagen V
Phone: +45 38 74 88 22
Report your lost item
Here is the TAXA 4x35 headoffice:
If you need to pick up lost or forgotten items from TAXA 4×35, you need to make an appointment with our service center beforehand, so that we can ensure that the items are delivered and registrered here.
You are then very welcome at our address:
Rosenlunds Allé 8, 2720 Vanløse