Make a complaint

In TAXA 4×35 we know that good service makes all the difference, and we strive to give all our customers the best experience before, during and after the ride and rarely receive complaints from our customers. However, if you have had a negative experience when using TAXA 4×35, kindly inform us immediately via below form.

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Cool detail that I can follow the booked taxi on the map until it arrives at my pick-up point.
Extremely polite...
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It was pure pleasure to be driven by this driver. Very accommodating and polite, and really prioritizing to give a good service.
Great experience
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A really short waiting time when booking with the app. A smiling, helpful and kind driver.
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Have used the app more than 100 times. It always works flawlessly, and the taxi always arrives in time.
Daily rides
0 +
100 %

Fill out the form with as many details as possible and attach receipts, pictures or anything other documentation that is relevant to your complaint. For the sake of documentation and a speedy processing time TAXA 4×35 only receives written complaints. 

We store the information in connection with your complaint in up to 5 years. In case you want the information to be deleted earlier, see “Right to be forgotten”, you need to contact us with your complaint no., given to you during our processing of the complaint. 

Read more on our processing of personal data here.

We strive to process a complaint within a maximum of 14 days.