Terms and Conditions for TAXA account, cards and/or vouchers
Delivery and use
a. TAXA 4×35’s (hereinafter referred to as ‘TAXA’) TAXA account, TAXA cards and/or TAXA vouchers can be used for payment for commercial taxi transfers in all our vehicles. TAXA card and/or TAXA voucher can also be used with most other taxi companies in Denmark.
b. TAXA sets up a TAXA account in the customer’s name. When customers use their TAXA account, the charge for the
journey will be debited from the account.
c. TAXA issues a TAXA card and/or TAXA voucher and sets up an account in the customer’s name.
d. When using TAXA cards, the customer must provide a signature on a printed taxi receipt that states date, time, vehicle number, distance and price. When using TAXA vouchers, the customer must fill in the required information in the voucher fields. The customer should ensure that the information on the receipt is correct.
e. Several TAXA cards and/or TAXA vouchers may be issued to each customer on the same account.
f. The customer is entitled to authorise others to use the TAXA card.
g. TAXA is entitled to decide that TAXA cards and/or TAXA vouchers should only be valid for a certain period and that issued cards must be reissued. Expired cards and/or vouchers cannot be used after this date.
Storage and termination
a. The customer must store TAXA account information, TAXA cards and/or TAXA vouchers securely.
b. If the TAXA account, TAXA cards and/or TAXA vouchers are lost or customers suspect misuse, TAXA must be contacted as soon as possible on telephone number +45 35 30 91 62 during office hours (otherwise +45 35 35 35 35). When contacting TAXA, customers must state name and address as well as card and account number.
c. Customers are liable for losses resulting from unauthorised use of their TAXA account, TAXA cards and/or TAXA vouchers. When TAXA has been notified that cards and/or vouchers have been lost or are in the possession of an unauthorised party, TAXA is under obligation without undue delay to ensure that the cards and/or vouchers are blocked.
d. If customers wish to terminate a TAXA account, TAXA cards and/or TAXA vouchers, they must notify TAXA. TAXA will
issue a final statement and close the account while it is the customer’s responsibility to destroy all issued cards and vouchers.
e. If the terms and conditions for using the TAXA account, TAXA cards and/or TAXA vouchers are breached, TAXA is entitled immediately and without further notice to block the account and linked payment methods and require that the cards and/or unused vouchers be returned.
Prices and fees
a. Current prices and fees:
Invoice fee Kr. 22
Reminder fee Kr. 100
Collection fee Kr. 200
Environmental tax 3.5 %
TAXA card creation fee Kr. 55
TAXA card annually fee Kr. 55
Voucher production fee (min 25 pieces) Kr. 6
Fares in other taxi companies with TAXA payments Kr. 6
Research of fares with TAXA vouchers Kr. 75
Delivery fee Kr. 65
b. All prices are in Danish kroner and include VAT.
c. Invoices are submitted weekly with payment terms of eight (8) days net.
Credit rating
a. When setting up a TAXA account or ordering TAXA cards and/or TAXA vouchers, customers must provide a CVR number in addition to name and address (CPR number if the account is personal). TAXA determines whether an account can be set up for the applicant. TAXA is entitled to check the applicant’s information with Experian (formerly Købmandstandens Oplysningsbureau/Ribers Kreditinformation).
Use, storage and disclosure of personal information and information about purchases etc.
a. When using TAXA cards, the number of the card and/or TAXA voucher, the total journey price, date of use of the card and the number of the taxi in which the card was used are registered. When using cards in vehicles belonging to other taxi companies, information may be limited. All information is sent electronically from the vehicle to TAXA. The information is used for bookkeeping, account statements and subsequent error correction, if required. Information is only disclosed where this is required by law and/or for use in legal proceedings pertaining to claims related to the use of cards and/or vouchers. The information is stored by
TAXA for five (5) years.
b. If TAXA, as a result of misuse of TAXA cards and/or TAXA vouchers or as a result of failure to pay, is forced to recall the cards and/or vouchers and terminate the account, TAXA is entitled to pass any amounts outstanding to a collection agency and to register this with Experian (formerly Ribers Kreditinformation). TAXA keeps a list of blocked cards.
TAXA 4×35 reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions with one (1) month’s notice in compliance
with applicable legislation. These terms apply as of March 2014.