Here you find answers to the most typical questions regarding our digital booking platform, TAXA.nu.
TAXA.nu is an online booking system for businesses. The system gives you a full overview of the taxi bookings made in your company. Access TAXA.nu here
With the TAXA.nu booking system you are able to see the status on all your bookings.
You can also cancel your booking and get a full and detailed overview of the bookings made in the company – and you avoid waiting in a phone queue.
Yes. You can create several profiles for each location or department within a TAXA.nu account.
Yes, you can have several users within the same profile.
TAXA.nu has different access levels to the booking system. The administrator is able to edit addresses, add/remove users etc.
Register for TAXA.nu here.
Yes, you can use your TAXA.nu login with your TAXA-account.
You will receive invoices regularly in regards to your company’s taxi usage. Hence, you will no longer have to collect taxi receipts from your employees.
Please contact us for further information regarding this service.