Invoice FAQ

Find answers to the typical questions regarding invoice payment at TAXA 4×35.


As a TAXA-account customer, you will be invoiced weekly.

If you have provided your e-mail, invoices will be sent electronically.

Please use the following bank account:

Jyske Bank
Reg. nr. 7854
Account nr. 0007400149

IBAN DK7978540007400149

An invoicing fee will be applied: See all TAXA’s fees here.

Fields in the specification may be missing, if you have used vouchers and/or card in taxis from other companies than TAXA 4×35.

If you wish for further information on rides from other taxi companies, TAXA 4×35 can be of assistance.

Please note an administrative fee will be charged – see fees here.

Please note that the customer is responsible for keeping TAXA 4×35 updated on contact information.

As a result of a new EU directive, it is no longer permissible to impose a surcharge (card fee) on private credit cards issued within the EU / EEA.

This means that card fees can now only be imposed:

  • Private credit cards issued outside of the EU/EEA
  • Business credit cars issued in or outside of DK/EU/EEA



TAXA 4×35 will evaluate your company’s credit rating in the RKI register for the last 5 years.

It typically takes 8 working days to open a TAXA-account.

Please contact our finance department: or phone +45 35 30 91 62.

No notice applicable. Please notice that you are liable for issued taxi vouchers and cards – if you don’t wish to use and pay for these, please dispose them.

You can open a temporarily TAXA-account if you only need our taxi services in a limited period, e.g. special occasions and events.

Please contact our customer services: or phone +45 35 35 35 35.

TAXA-voucher & card

TAXA-voucher & card requires a TAXA-account.

TAXA 4×35 will evaluate your company’s credit rating in the RKI register for the last 5 years.

It typically takes 8 working days to open a TAXA-account.

Apply for a new TAXA-account here or order a TAXA-card and vouchers here, if you already have an account.

Please call our finance department at +45 35 30 91 62.

You are liable for already issues vouchers and cards. If you don’t wish to use these, please provide for proper disposal.

You may order as many taxi cards and vouchers as you wish. TAXA 4×35 has set a minimum in ordering taxi vouchers – the minimum order is 25 taxi vouchers.